Stawell Neighbourhood House Inc is a registered charity with a focus on social and meaningful engagement for any ages, stage or ability within our local community. We are open 5 days a week from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and are proudly located on Djab Wurrung country near the magnificent Grampians and Black Ranges.
The House offers a variety of activities including recreational and craft, accredited and non-accredited vocational courses and is home to Stawell Gymnastics Club and Pinnacle Disability Services.
The House provides a safe welcoming environment and we encourage you to drop in for a cuppa anytime you are passing. We provide the Second Bite food assistance program for those who may need it.
Other service providers located at the House include CVGT and MADEC among other regular partnering providers booking office space.
Our friendly and helpful staff and volunteers look forward to seeing you at the House.